Intermediates in Razeen 21/4/23

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Intermediates in Razeen 21/4/23

Post by EmDoc »

The team
Andrei - FJ
Chris - FJ
Mokhless - FJ
Pascal - Prado
Artur - FJ sweeper

Zak - Fortuner

As all drivers had driven a minimum of 5 intermediate trips we decided on a rotating convoy order, where anyone who had a second try would go to the back of the convoy in front of the sweeper. With the drive being through unpredictable terrain, this system allowed all drivers to experience different convoy positions.

The first third of the trip was in an area that was technical and populated by medium sized dunes. Which forced the drivers to focus on vehicle control and judgement of speed and momentum. We then moved into a more rollercoaster style drive through some larger dunes. And the final section led by marshal Zak took us along a well crafted track that combined the technical with switchback driving.

Throughout the team showed good developing skills. There were many second tries and one deep stuck that resisted a snatch recovery and required serious digging to extricate the vehicle from the very very soft sand. Nevertheless, all drove well, always putting safety first.

Thanks to all who joined and a big thanks to Zak for looking after us all from the back. It was a very enjoyable drive in the Razeen area.

Till next time

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Re: Intermediates in Razeen 21/4/23

Post by Octopus »

Really nice trip Micheal, was a pleasure to follow and support the team and have a play in one of my favorite areas.

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