Khazna and Sweihan bowl run (convoy3)

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Khazna and Sweihan bowl run (convoy3)

Post by Dirtdiver »

This trip was posted by Shiroy but he got sick and could not lead it and ask if I would lead it for him and I agreed. The trip had 9 members registered and another 8 on the waiting list. I ask for assistance and Marshal EmDoc and Explorer CMJ1388 immediately volunteered. Then Chief Khaiwi Joined our group. With plenty of support we divided the group into 3 convoys. EmDoc took 5 drivers with aspirations to get upgraded, CMJ1388 took 5 Advanced drivers, and I tool 6 intermediate and 1 advanced driver and was supported by Chief Khaiwi.

I want to give a Special Thanks to Chief Khaiwi, Marshal EmDoc, and Explorer CMJ1388 for your leadership and support of this trip.

This is the trip report is for convoy 3.

Convoy order:

Dirtdiver **** Lead
Vouiul** 2nd Lead (Solid job at 2nd lead)
Maxsalvato **
DrewRichardson*** Sweeper (Excellent job keeping me informed or the convoy status)

Chief Khaiwi floating Support It was a pleasure to have you join our convoy today. (love the new ride)

Everyone arrived at the deflation point onetime. We divided into individual convoys, gave safety briefing, assigned radio Freq and convoy order. Lined up, did radio check and we set out for the dunes. since Roy's intentions was to make it to the bowls we headed east and started warming up in the medium dunes. It wasn't long and we ran into Convoy 2, they were side sloping and a nice dune that I had intended on practicing on. After seeing all the tracks, I changed direction and moved away from Convoy 1 & 2. We found plenty of nice medium dunes to practice our side sloping on. on one of the breaks, I ensured the convoy we would inflate on the Sweihan Road, but I could not promise we would get to play in the bowls. I informed them that one of the club members had reported how bad the bowls was rutted with tracks. I said we would try but no promises. We continued playing East towards the bowls with a few 2nd tries and two pop-outs. The closer we got to the bowls the more tracks we encountered but we pressed on. Upon arriving at the figure 8 bowl, I could see Convoy 2 was there. I stopped my convoy and I drove over to investigate how bad the bowl was. The bowl was completely rutted with tracks. I briefly spoke to convoy two then returned to my convoy. We headed to the next bowl. It looked horrible also. I halted my convoy and drove into the bowl; my vehicle was bouncing in every direction and difficult to control because of all the tracks. We continued east with a bunch of disappointed drivers because I decided it wasn't safe to play in this bowl either. The third bowl had very little tracks and I led the convoy to the bottom. I made a round then let them go play as much as they wanted while Chief and myself watched them. It was wonderful watching them with each pass they were learning more about their vehicles and how to control them. They kept getting higher and higher on the side slopes and smiles got bigger and bigger. We had a little struggle getting all nine vehicles out of the bowl in the soft sand, but we managed. it was getting late and time to head to the gatch. With one big straight crest we were there but not before recovering two vehicles that high centered on the crest. Continuing east down the gatch we arrived on time at Sweihan Road to inflate and sign logbooks.

By the end of the trip everyone in convoy 3 was doing a great job controlling their vehicles. I hope to see everyone in the sand again soon.

Thanks Chief, EmDoc, and CMJ1388 for joining me and making this trip possible.


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Re: Khazna and Sweihan bowl run (convoy3)

Post by Maxsalvato »

Thank you Tim for the great drive and thank you for deciding not to drive in the first 2 bowls! End of day your safe decision was the best decision that could be taken (knowing what happened few minutes after we were there).
That 3rd bowl was AMAZING!!!!

Drive was fun and track was well made.
See you at the next occasion!

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Re: Khazna and Sweihan bowl run (convoy3)

Post by vpuiul »

Thank you for the amazing trip. As Max told the third bowl was really good. All of us were able to train and improve our skills in side sloping and slope climbing there. I think this bowl is more fitted to Intermediate level than first and second (more safe entry and exit to/from slope).

See you in sands.

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Re: Khazna and Sweihan bowl run (convoy3)

Post by strocifer »

Thanks for the organization of this nice trip. My family discovered driving on the dunes as passengers for the first time, and they loved it!
And what a final bowl!!!
I hope to go back soon in the area!

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Re: Khazna and Sweihan bowl run (convoy3)

Post by Ruttan »

Details lacking, prose is undeveloped, honestly it felt like the author was writing whilst driving and couldn't be bothered to provide the reader with adequate information. Sad.


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