Intermediate Run Part 2

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Intermediate Run Part 2

Post by Eagle »

We all met on time at the deflation point. After deflation, we conducted our regular briefing and set the convey order as under:

Myself Lead
Sarfraz second lead
Lerayan sweeper

We started from the bigger dunes of gate 12 closer to the underpass that we always use to get to gate 12 deflation. Sand was just dry on the surface however the track was generally hard. So we drove carefully to avoid hitting any tricky area or dune.We continued to play on the gate 12 side, and later crossed the gatch to head towards Nagra.

We reached Nagra just around 6.45 pm and after spending sometime there and practicing side slopes on the side dunes of Nagra, we started heading back in the night drive mode. After reaching the gatch near BBQ point a couple of drivers left early due to some personal urgencies. The sweeper role was then taken over by Ghayas and second lead by Omer.

After safely exiting them the two drivers, we continued back to gate 12 in the night to complete our drive back.

We finished our night drive around 8.45 pm.

Overall the weather was extremely nice and everyone drove well. Had a great company during the drive with all experienced drivers almost. Only one stuck at night on the way back which was safely recovered by Suresh.

Thanks Sarfraz, Omer for being solid second lead and Ghayas and Lreyan for watching our back.

Looking forward to see all on sand again.


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Re: Intermediate Run Part 2

Post by leryan »

Thank you Umar for a fantastic trip as always

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Re: Intermediate Run Part 2

Post by ghiasg »

Many thanks to Umer for organzing the trip. Had a good drive with all the fellow drivers, track was tricky since after rain it was dry and wet at the same time. Day and night drive combination wa a new experience. Looking forward for good time in future with the same team.

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Re: Intermediate Run Part 2

Post by Sureshartl »

Thanks a lot Umar again a wonderful drive, mix of day light and night experience in single short trip, as usual trip route was amazing with great team.

Thanks again

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Re: Intermediate Run Part 2

Post by adilabid »

Thank you Umar bhai for arranging another first for me. Before it was my first ever night drive with you. This time it was my first ever day and night drive combined together. Felt like Yas F1 circuit experience (starting in the day and finishing at night).
Very interesting experience driving in combo of wet and dry sand but extremely enjoyable. Weather was awesome. Had my first ever drive up Nagra slope as well which was an experience. Looking forward to more attempts at this slope.
The pace of the drive throughout was extremely fast and I believe we covered quite some distance during this drive. As usual skills set displayed by all the drivers was very high and a couple of very good experiences in terms of switches which was lots of fun.
Thanks to all the support crews and looking forward to seeing you all in the sand in the future! Stay safe 🫶

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Re: Intermediate Run Part 2

Post by Eagle »

Thank you all for your feedbaxk🙏

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