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TRIP REPORT – Intermediates: Sand, Grill and Camp in Sweihan

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 9:38 am
Trip date: Friday 01.03.2019

Better late than never, sorry for the late trip report, but it was a very hectic week.

This was a very windy and dusty weekend, in spite of the bad weather 39 sand enthusiast showed up which was really amazing to see all these sand addicts smiling in the face of the bad weather.

At the deflation point, trip was split into two convoys; I took the lead of intermediate convoy while Bisho took the lead of Newbie convoy. Intermediate convoy was set as follows (total 9 cars):

PHARAOH***** (Lead)
dsalas*** (2nd Lead)
tiago737*** (Official Sweeper)

With everyone deflated and flags are on, I did the safety briefing and set the convoy order, then we went into the sand playing on some small & medium dues and a technical area in a slow pace for all the drivers to warm-up, then pace was increased and the dunes grew bigger :lol: as everyone was comfortable and handling well. We had one stuck and couple of second tries, which were safely handled. We had two breaks one beside the farm fence while the other was in a groove between the dunes as we were trying to shelter from the sand storm.

Trip ended around 6:00 pm, most of us decided to leave after signing the logbooks while some were still eager to stay despite the sand storm!! However, in the end all decided that it won’t get better and left.

Thanks you all for joining the trip, it was nice meeting everyone.

See you all soon on the dunes :ad4x4:

Re: TRIP REPORT – Intermediates: Sand, Grill and Camp in Sweihan

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 9:57 pm
by Tiago_RedBaron
Another great trip with Marshall Pharao!
Thanks for letting me be the sweeper!
See you soon on the sand!

Re: TRIP REPORT – Intermediates: Sand, Grill and Camp in Sweihan

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:03 pm
by Cannonball
Sorry for the late comment ;)

Thanks Khaled, I really enjoyed the track, the pace and the higher dunes...

Apart from the storm an amazing trip with amazing people.

Anytime again


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