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Dxb Intermediate flowing Badayer

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 1:33 pm
by MustafaHabash
On a very warm morning we all gathered for a quick safety briefing. We had to newly upgraded members to Intermediate; Hiba and Mohamad, hence we tackled all the necessary safety precautions.

The trip was planned to have a fast pace with a bit of technical side cresting where possible, and so happened. The convoy was flowing smoothly that I was encouraged to raise the level a bit. Just before stopping for our first diesel break, we came across a fellow jeeper roaming around alone and intercepting our convoy. After Chief Marshal Bulldozer had a couple of words with him, we happily took him in with us. He had several 2nd tried but he is definitely a talented one. He will be joining our ANIT trip next weekend. As we finished our coffee break, we came across a beautiful stretch of high dunes. We had so much fun there and the members did superbly well.

Post that, we did iftar bowl and passed by super bowl where the new guy got stuck. After that, we proceed towards the tree house where we had a cold refreshing watermelon. Then and there, Peter took over the lead displaying great mentorship and putting together an amazing track.

Convoy order was as the following:
Mohamad; Partial 2nd lead. Excellent job done
Renauld; Partial 2nd lead. Excellent job done.
Hiba; you have done great for your first intermediate. Keep it up
Peter; amazing sweep as usual. Many thanks brother
Bulldozer; floating support. Thank you so much for the usual mentorship and diesel dose.

See you on the next one folks.


Re: Dxb Intermediate flowing Badayer

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 2:13 pm
by renaud91
Thanks Mustafa, great drive, big smile, best way to start the week end. See you all soon in our playground

Re: Dxb Intermediate flowing Badayer

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 2:25 pm
by Jock63
Fantastic performance by the new intermediates. Hiba, fantastic job. Amazing what lowering the tire pressure can do. Mohammad, you won’t be intermediate for very long my friend Mostafa, Said. Every time I drive with you guys I learn something. This group should have “SUPER MARSHAL” level and you should both be in it.

Renault, brilliant job as sweeper sir.

Mostafa, the conversation we had at the end of the drive was exactly what I needed to hear. Not going into details but I can’t thank you enough sir and I will take your advice 100%. Thank you sir.