Friday Intermediate Run

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Friday Intermediate Run

Post by Eagle »

Almost everyone reached on time and there was one cancellation in the last hour. So we started our briefing around 3.15 as there were lot of convoys in the area from other clubs as well. We decided to park further ahead in the sand to do our safety briefing.

After a detailed briefing and setting the convoy order as under, we started our drive through the bigger dunes of gate 12.

Convoy Order:

Myself (Lead)
Suresh (Second Lead)
Ghayas (Sweeper)

The first 30 mins or so we played in the big dunes doing many side slopes and each driver had enough opportunity to practice the skill. Initially due to lots of tracks in sand and convoys around, the drive was not very smooth. But as we progressed further into the desert towards east side, we started hitting dunes that were fairly in better shape and less crowded.

We continued through the area until we hit the gatch road. After crossing the gatch further down towards NE side of the desert we found many good dunes for practicing side slopes which were still untouched by other cars . We played for a good amount of time there and then started heading back to the deflation point.

Everyone did very well, there was only stuck which was professionally handled by second lead. On our way back we witnessed a local driver driving a buggy very fast and he just hit a bump in front of us and rolled over for about 40 to 50 feet away due to high speed.

Luckily the driver came out unharmed but buggy was damaged. We tried to offer help but his compatriots reached the scene immediately and took care of him.

All in all it was a day well spent with a great company of drivers. Thank you, Suresh, for being solid second lead with clear communication. And thank you Ghayas bhai for sweeping and watching us from the back. You did a great job by letting me focus on the track.

Hope everyone enjoyed the drive and looking forward to see you soon on sand!


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Re: Friday Intermediate Run

Post by Sureshartl »

First of all Thanks Mr. Omar for organising the trip and very well lead the convey, it was great time spent with awesome drivers, definitely it was new learning’s and the route selected by lead was enjoyable, especially the final roller coaster everyone enjoyed. Looking to join more trips with the Lead and team.

Thanks Ghias bhai for nice coffee and made the convey super smooth as sweeper.

I request Mr. Omar to make us one more chance on next trip to enjoy the roller coaster spot .

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Re: Friday Intermediate Run

Post by Sbrune »

Thank you Umar for organising and running the trip.
As usual in Ad4x4, safety comes first and the initial brifing given by Umar was clearly helpful in remembering well how to avoid mistakes.
The route chosen was appropriate to the experience of the participants and no one felt uncomfortable.
Thanks for the coffee break and the fantastic roller coster we had until the end of the trip.
I hope to see you all on the next trip, thank you.

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Re: Friday Intermediate Run

Post by Eagle »

Thanks and welcome!

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