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Report: Return of the Crazy Jeep

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:32 pm
by jc
All cars eventually meet at Al Faya and Viking lead to the deflation point.

Because there were so many cars we split into 2 groups
Thanks to Viking for taking responsibility for the newbies and Ali for leading, Thanks also to Lee and Halwa .

I took the Advanced and Intermediate drivers on challenging route which all handled very well thanks to Nahhash for taking second lead and Zoogie for sweeping
Hope to see you all in the Sand again

Re: Report: Return of the Crazy Jeep

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:38 am
by Viking
The trip was interesting as usual when the "NZ devil" is involved. We started as two groups and the plan was to reach Al Khatim but due to circumstances we ended up staying in Khazna-area where we had the BBQ afterwards. The later part we handled as one big group and it was a big convoy but OK. Thanks to Ali for leading the first part of the route and as you said - it is a quite tricky area and sometimes hard to find an easy route across the dunes but you did very well.
I hope the Newbies picked up what this is all about. Have fun and drive safe. In order to do both you need to know your car and how it handles in the sand. I think you all did great and I hope to see you soon.

Re: Report: Return of the Crazy Jeep

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:26 am
by meinich
Thanks guys for a nice trip. Its a challenging area and guess for some of the newbies got to experience intermediate level at certain parts. You all did well, a couple of stuck's and tire popout's...:-) but we learn me including and its a good experience. Thanks to JC, Viking and Ali who lead the newbie group. It gr8 to be out now when the temp cools down...well maybe not during the day...but the evening was pleasant. Hope to see you soon again!

I will post a couple of photos soon.

Thomas aka Meinich

Re: Report: Return of the Crazy Jeep

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:40 am
by meinich
...hmm... how do I create a trip album...? Need special admin rights?
:?: :?:

Re: Report: Return of the Crazy Jeep

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:20 am
by wasifahmed
Thanks JC

Was a very eventfull trip and great fun too apart from that unfortunate occurance that took place early.

Look forward to round two of teh Jeep Test.

Please do create a trip album where your official photographer and the other amatures can post their pics.


Re: Report: Return of the Crazy Jeep

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 12:18 pm
by Viking
I tried to create an album but it just gives me a database error message.

Re: Report: Return of the Crazy Jeep

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:27 pm
by Zero_adam
JC and Viking Thank you for this wonderful trip the weather was nice and the rout was challenging and tricky and thank you for giving me the opportunity to lead the newbie trip, it was good to see new and old members of the club.
JC, as usual the fun is always around you mate
Viking, thank you for the advice.
Lee, thank you for the assistance and the lovely BBQ.
Halwa, thank you for your assistance
Nahash, it was such a long time mate
The rest of the group, it was good to meet you

Re: Report: Return of the Crazy Jeep

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:11 pm
by YaYoS
The trip was beautiful and a very good adventure
thank u JC for the great trip
and spicial thanks to :love: nahhash :love: for every thing
see u all next trip

Re: Report: Return of the Crazy Jeep

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:06 pm
by Nahhash
Thank you JC for the trip, always your trips are unique :).
Yayos, you are most welcome buddy hope everything is going well with you.
Ali, Lee, Viking, Halwa and Taher great to see you after such a long time. The season is ready again to play
Nice to meet all the new and old faces hope every body enjoyed the trip

Re: Report: Return of the Crazy Jeep

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:54 pm
by halwa
Thanks guys, great afternoon with a great gang. Lee as usual the BBQ was perfect.

See you all soon

Re: Report: Return of the Crazy Jeep

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:14 pm
by Minhalhasan

Thanks so much for all that wonderful time that we had out there....Had to miss the BBQ, unfortunately...but will make sure that i attend it the next time...

SPecial thanks to ALI, who had always been there since the very beginning, right thru till the end...Thanks once again...

Generally it is a great platform to learn and experience a lot of things, and i would like to appreaciate & thank every single member of the forum who have managed to make this succesful enough..

I just hope it keeps better and better when it comes to the learning part...and would even want to contribute what ever i can to be an equal part of the whole guys please let me know about it when it comes to memberships and other forms of contribution...

Thank once again & hope to see you very soon...