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AD4x4 Trip Rules - REMINDER -

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:37 pm
by AD4x4
AD 4x4 wishes to remind every member about their participation in club trips and the rules which have been set by the club.
The organising Marshal is the Trip Leader and to assist the Marshal it is only fair that participants abide by our Trip rules which have been in place for some time.

Safety is our main priority on trips and it is not allowed to deviate from the main route being taken or to do a " Side Trip" away from the supervision of the Marshal, this can present dangers which are uneccesarry and may involve in less experienced members following a route that they are not capable of driving safely.

As is explained at each briefing, we NEVER leave rubbish behind on any of our trips and it is your responsiblity to take your own litter/rubbish with you at the end of the trip.

Reproduced below are important excerpts from our Trip Discipline & Compliance Rules which were first published in April 2008. To view the full rules click on the link below:

By agreeing to register for this trip you have read, understood and agreed to the AD 4x4 Indemnity.

During this trip, everyone must abide by the rules as laid down by the Leading Marshal/Explorer. This will include the following.

1) All participants will follow the route of the leader UNLESS you as an individual do not feel it is within your capacity to do so, in this case you will stop and seek assistance.

2) The trip timing is determined by the trip organiser. NO ONE should leave the desert alone before the end of the trip, and then, only when accompanied by a Marshal/Explorer.

4) Strict convoy positions and spacing is to be followed at all times.

5) Free play and Showing off is not allowed at any time during the trip, unless in a designated "Play Area" identified by the leader. During this time the Leading Marshal will organise the queue for dune climbing or side sloping. No one is allowed to play alone outside of the " Play Area "
If you have children with you, you MUST supervise them at all times and keep them away from any "Play Area" Children WILL NOT be allowed in parents cars who are taking part in the "Play Time" and will be supervised by the organising Marshal or an appropriate adult.

7) The ONLY people allowed to drive at the side of a convoy are Marshals who will be assessing people on their driving skills and to offer advice and assistance to the leading Marshal or designated trip leader

Failure to follow the above rules will result in the offending member being verbally warned by the Leading Marshal. Any reoccurrence will result in the offending member receiving Black Points which will automatically lead to a ban from further trips for a designated period decided by the Committee.

These rules are for your safety & the safety of everyone else on the trip and your co-operation is appreciated. :ad4x4: