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What is AD4x4

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:19 am
by iguana
It seems that there are lots of members who still don’t understand what is AD4x4 exactly. Let me tell you the story of AD4x4, sorry it’s a long post, but please read it all.
AD4x4 was the idea of Megamoe, after joining several off road clubs in the UAE, he decided to use his IT knowledge and make a website dedicated to off roaders in Abu Dhabi. He called me (We only knew each other through the net and haven’t met before) to invite me to join his website. We had our first meeting together and started AD4x4.

The main idea of AD4x4 was to have a communication board just to meet our friends, have our own small group and enjoy the desert.

Khaiwi was our off road master and our technical teacher … We learned lots of things from him .. And still for us, he is our technical adviser.

The website started to be so popular in Abu Dhabi and number of members started to grew actually exceeding all our expectations. Yes it was a load on us. However, we were enjoying the success and that’s why we were spending so much time on the board and in the desert trying to learn things and improve our website.

We were lucky to have lots of good and friendly members who loved the idea and started helping us to make this website more popular and successful … We were all amateurs, most of members started this club as first timers in the desert and now most of them are Marshals .. They build the club and learned the hard way .. and they deserve to be part of AD4x4 Management.

Today, after 2.5 years, we reached 1000+ members (I have deleted 450 non posters in the last 4 months to clean up our data) and that was all through recommendations to friends, colleagues and family members .. Why, because everybody loved the friendly atmosphere and the easy way we are dealing with each other. Founders, Marshals and Members are always there to help and assist … And that’s why we call our selves a family.

Yes, we had too many problems, too many people didn’t like us because they thought that we are an official club .. No we are a group of off roaders who enjoy fun … Yes, we have too many restrictions and rules, maybe some members feel that some of them are wrong, but believe me, these rules are there to protect you and your family.

With over 400 official trips done through the club, we faced all the problems that might happen in off roading, and we still see and learn and we still add rules and regulations trying to make things better.

This is a public website, 1000 personality, coming from different culture, race, religion and back grounds. What is acceptable to you might not be acceptable to another 999 member. That’s why the website is continuously monitored and some posts are deleted because we think it might not be acceptable to someone else.

This club was introduced by the founders and run by the Marshals and members as a free gift to everybody who loves offroading or want to learn off roading. We are here to share our experience in everything, not only cars .. Read the posts on the board, members are asking about all sorts of things here and always get an answer …

For the last few weeks, I can see some members showing their dissatisfaction … Please understand what are we, we are not an organization, we are a group sharing experience … This is a free public website not an offroad organization, so understand who we are before complaining .. If you want to share your experience with us you are most welcome, and we will give you as much information as we can. If you are joining AD4x4 thinking that it is an organization, then sorry, you are in the wrong place ..

This is AD4x4, and this is how it started and how it will be always, a group of offroaders enjoying the desert and making jokes on the board

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:51 am
by halwa
Well said Iguana, we all love our club and the AD4X4 family - and those who dont can stop complaining all the time :twisted:

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:43 am
by Jax
100% with you Iguana :D

Everything you have posted above is why I enjoy being part of AD4x4 family and why I will continue to enjoy being part of the family.


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:47 am
I completely agree. This is more like a family than most families. Every body is willing to help at ALL times, whether they have met you or not. Not just because they know your friends friends cousin or have been long time friends. This club has tought me so much and made me have so much more confidence in my driving and personal life, as well as me meeting the most wonderfull people ever. And its FREE So who ever is complaining in my opinion is quite silly, because I don't know any other club that would be this big that is free if it wasn't the best club on the planet.
I for one have no complaints at all about this wonderfull club/family of ours and I really appreciate all the help and advice I have been given over the last few months and will no doubt recieve for the rest of my life.
Thanks to all who make this club what it is, A FAMILY!!! :D

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:26 am
by MegaMoe

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:03 am
by off_Road
agree 100% with you islam...

we all share same hoppy,
this hoppy make us smiles
keep the complaining at our work
keep our weekend full of jokes and fun .

:D :D :D

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:15 pm
by MooD
long Life Ad4x4....................

French 20 euro cents.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:46 pm
by Xof

It so unfortunate you have actually to explain that, as it is so obvious when we all go on trip.
I joined the club a few months ago, and i was flabergasted to see such a perfect harmony between people coming from so many places... So i have only one word i would like to say : RESPECT.

Respect the spirit on this club,
Respect the members with their differences, which is making us so richfull,
Respect the club rules, as without rules, only chaos reigns.

But more important, Repect our Founders and our Marshalls, who are dedicating their time to us, just because they are passionnate by desert, cars and meeting people.

Iguana, Megamoe, merci à vous de tout mon coeur.

one of your so many sons and friend.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:15 pm
by DiVeR

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:28 pm
by cameltrax
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Get positive and put a smile on your face. Too many people forget to smile - it takes the load off and make your soul lighter.

Because we fight with the traffic, then we fight with our boss, then we fight with our co-workers, then we fight with our family, then we want to fight with a club. :x :x :x --> no smiling done all day, no thinking how fortunate we are to be standing where we are and be alive, only fighting, moaning and unhappiness. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( And look where that brings us in life...

The one place where you can find peace and serenity is the wide open sands - we should not take the burden in our hearts there, we should let it blow out the window while driving to the sands, spending time with a wonderfull bunch of people from all cultures, enjoying the outdoors.

So - if you are unhappy with this club, please stop to think - you might be one of a very few, and you may leave at any time as your joining was at freewill, so is your leaving. Just please do not bring your unhappiness to our place of joy. May you find peace somewhere else.

I found a safe and friendly family to enjoy the desert with at AD4x4 - thanks for making this possible.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Me... :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:02 am
by sniper

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:53 am
by mans

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:54 am
by TheNig
It is a truism that people rarely appreciate what they have until it is gone. When I lived in Abu Dhabi I joined and enjoyed the experiences with the club and now that I no longer live there I miss it; the easy companionship, the ready access to trips, the coaching and education and the care shown in ensuring that everybody's trip in the desert was enjoyable, thrilling and safe.

In my new role in Muscat I undertook to find commercially available off road training for our drivers. What I found was very little available in the ME and the courses that were available were inferior in strucure and quality to that offered willingly and freely by club members.

Long live AD4x4. And many thanks to all those members that make it what it is.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:15 pm
by Tweety


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:07 pm
by Wasabi
Long life to AD4x4.......... :angel: :angel:

Iguana, Megamoe, khaiwi and all the Marshalls A BIG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
