Intermediate night trip to Bu Tais Friday 05-08-2022

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Intermediate night trip to Bu Tais Friday 05-08-2022


Intermediate night trip to Bu Tais Friday 05-08-2022

Almost everyone arrived on time. After a briefing on safety and night driving technique we set off to have fun.

The team consisted of :

Myself "John" Leader
Tim*** JKU (Second lead)
Dmitry** F150
Glenn** FJ
James*** pajero
Dan *** JKU
Roy *** FJ (Sweeper)
and the pleasure of having the support of Marshals Atari77 and Ahmad "V".

We set off during the day on a technical area and were soon stopped by a mechanical failure on the Ford Raptor. We took Dmitry back to the gatch road and joined the group waiting for us.

We had a great time on medium dunes. We came across a few bowls full of vegetation and bumpy. That's why another driver punctured his rear tyre. After the repair we found a nice spot to take a longer break.

We set off again towards the end point, increasing the pace, which was nice. It was a nice night drive, but you have to be careful with the vegetation in this area. Everyone drove very well and safely.
Thank you Tim for a good second lead and Roy for keeping the rear. Thank you Atari and Ahmad for your support.

I hope you all had fun and wish you a good week and see you on the sand.


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Re: Intermediate night trip to Bu Tais Friday 05-08-2022

Post by Dirtdiver »

Thanks John for organizing the trip and picking the exciting track. Looking forward to the next adventure.

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