Newbie in Nahil- Sunday PM (Min 3 trips)

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Newbie in Nahil- Sunday PM (Min 3 trips)

Post by shiroy »

It was an interesting day to have a desert drive as it had just rained all day and night the day before. On the way to the drive, I kept wondering if it would stop raining as it had been raining since the morning and if finally stopped 10 minutes before we got to the deflation point. :roll: On the day there were four cancellations and one latecomer due to the rain which left us with only 5 registered drivers. However, we were lucky to have the presence of Ameen and Rahul join us as they had camped in Sweihan the night before. Briefing was done and convoy order was set as follows:

***** Shiroy - FJ - Lead
* Ajay - LX570 - 2nd lead
* Marian - Pajero
* Sameer Ali - FJ
** Rahul - Prado - Sweeper

*** Ameen - FJ
*** Nanda - Prado - Super Sweeper
**** Reji - FJ - Out of convoy support

We started driving on the left side of the gatch and headed towards the medium size dunes where we did some nice long straight descent. Within about 15 mins Marion got stuck and needed to be winched out, which led to air being released from his tire. We tried multiple ways to get the air back in but it would not fill. So we had no choice but to change his tire in the rain (light drizzle) with his spare tire. This process took around 90 mins and then we started to move again. We were incredibly lucky to have the assistance of Nanda, Ameen and Rahul in the process as they were fully hands on coordinating all of it :gym: :boss: . After this long extensive break, we did not need any more breaks and played out in the area. As the sand was slushy, we had 4 recoveries in total, and one was a double recovery as the recovering car got stuck as well. With about 50 mins to spare I handed over the lead to Nanda who was given the task of getting us back to the gatch by 5PM who took over and led the convoy out. I was then his 2nd lead.

Once all the cars exited there were a few advance drivers that wanted to play a little more in the sand. So, we went back in for a quick 20 mins dash with some proper cresting. This was good fun and we all exited at 545 PM.

Thank you to all the drivers and participants that came on the day and took a chance in this horrid weather. Once we got to the sand it was all clear apart for a short sprinkle. Special thank you to Reji, Ameen, Nanda and Rahul for coming and supporting. Your assistance was hugely appreciated. Look forward to seeing you all in the sand next time. Until then .... Adios. :bye2:

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Re: Newbie in Nahil- Sunday PM (Min 3 trips)

Post by Reji »

An amazing experience driving in the sands after rain! The combination of the wet sand and the unique atmosphere that follows a rain shower must have made for quite an adventure. And being part of your newbie drive after becoming a Marshall adds an extra layer of excitement.

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Re: Newbie in Nahil- Sunday PM (Min 3 trips)

Post by varriernanda »

Thanx Roy for the lead opportunity. Enjoyed the lead role and the unique weather as well. Looking forward many more.

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