By Carlo El Khoury on Friday, 20 September 2019
Category: Trip Reports

Dunes Shavers

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​Time ​September 20, 2019 - 7:00 AM
Al Badayer
8 Cars

Trip Schedule  

​7:00 am 
​Meeting point at Al Badayer 
​7:00 am - 7:30 am
Deflation and briefing
​7:30 am - 10:25 am
The drive




​It's a sunny chilling morning, where I woke up, and drove to the meeting point at Al Badayer shops, looking forward to meet our intermediates, we've met at the badayer where the guys was waiting, we deflated the tires, briefed out, set the radio channel and line up where we started our day warming up thru the dunes, as the guys showing a good handling we escalated the drive where everybody was following with no issue, we had some second try and one stuck, we was suppose to climb the iftar bowl, but it was crowded, so for safety reason we didn't, on the way back we did some easy side cresting where everybody did it like nothing happened. We had back out to our exit

Thank you guys for joining the trip.

Special thanks for Jonathan and 2iyad who was watching the back of the convoy.

Thanks for our Fernando for being my second lead

Bulldozer again and again we are happy to be with us.

C u soon on the sand

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