DXB-Practicing Intermediate

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DXB-Practicing Intermediate

Post by Sai27 »

Eventful day. 21 out of 23 registered was present.

Marshals. :-Bulldozer, Ihab, Serkan and Myself
Support leaders:- Sinan, Engin, Remesh, Bibin & Ozgur.

Started a little late from Madam with three pop outs and couple of winch out including me. We were out late by one and half hour today because of delay in fixing pop outs and some technical issue with some of friends cars.

I must thank Marshal Ihab and Sinan to take Dinto’s car out on road.
Bibin and Ozgur to control my convoy,
Umer and Omar for your second lead.
Lots of learning today when you’re stuck and how to fix it as a team. Practical Lecture in middle how to fix pop outs by Bulldozer for newly promoted intermediate friends.

**Thank you Marshal Serkan for taking 2nd Convoy, Engin & Ramesh for taking care the convoy.

Convoy is as follows:-

1.Sai - Lead
2.Umer-2nd lead (shared)
3.Omar-2nd lead (shared)
8. Ozgur-Sweep
9.Bibin. - Support leader
10.Sinan- Support Expert
11.Ihab. - Support Marshal

1.Serkan. - Lead Marshal
2.Bulldozer-Support Marshal
3.Ramesh. -Support leader
9.MDennawi-Support leader
10.Engin. - Support leader

Sorry if I missed anyone’s name. You guys did good on technicals. See you all on sand again.

Job from Support leaders***

God bless ..

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Re: DXB-Practicing Intermediate

Post by KomSer »

Sai, thanks a lot for the drive. It was wonderful day with wonderful community.
As you explained above, due to high number of participants, you split the convoy into 2 and I led the second convoy.

The great drivers were Engin, Ramesh, Fady, Hamzah, Ryan, Sohail and Marco. Chief Buldozer and MD we're switching between 2 convoys wherever needed.

We switched between small and high dunes and I believe we all enjoyed from the track.

There were some stuck (one was mine for demonstration purpose 😀) and second trials during drive since sand was really soft in some places. Hamzah had some tire valve issues and the valve had been replaced with a lot of effort from Buldozer Fady, AbuAli and the other great drivers.

The area was a bit crowded and we tried to escape from the other convoys to keep a safe distance.

Thanks to everybody who joined and made the day beautiful for all of us.

See you soon at sand

Warm Regards
Serkan Ortac

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Re: DXB-Practicing Intermediate

Post by Gavferns »

Thanks for a great trip! Technical stretches and stops made for a lot of learning for a newbie like myself. Was half a day well spent and managed to get a lot of tips from fellow drivers in the convoy. All in all more knowledge and experience with every Km driven.
Thanks again SAI and team


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Re: DXB-Practicing Intermediate

Post by bibinjose »

Thank you Saikkaa for Great Technical drive. Its really worth it for learning. Enjoyed a lot.your leadership is really amazing and comfortable for all of us😍😍

Thank you Chief Buldozer for the briefing nd demostration of how to fix a popout tyre. Unfortunately i missed your coffee.😍😍

Thank You Sinanka nd Chief Ihab for the great support.

Thank you for your guidance allways😍

Thank you all brother's for amazing day.. Had some popout nd stucks, but by the teamwork we did it nd enjoyed the Moment. You all are amazing, looking forward many more drive with you all🥰🥰

Love you All....

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Re: DXB-Practicing Intermediate

Post by Kayra »

I like starting the drives from Madam although it requires a bit more driving compared to the 2nd Dec Cafe or Badayer shops. Our drive started a bit late around 7:45 after briefing given by Marshals Serkan and Buldozer.

I drove as the second lead. After around 30mins from our start, Hamzeh had valve issue with his front tire. It took around 45 mins to fix the problem following which we restarted. In the meantime marshal Sai’s convoy had some issues and MD went for help. We agreed for MD to join us later.

We practiced climbing high dunes and some easy side sloping with our int drivers who had 3+ int drives. I used my snatch rope only once to pull Marshal Serkan on a tricky straight cresting attempt which I am sure he got himself stuck for demonstration purpose. :) Chief Buldozer left our convoy at some point to help with an issue on Mustafa’s Advanced convoy.

We had few more stucks which mostly self recovered except Sohail’s stuck where he was pulled out by Remesh.

We did a lot of technical dunes closer to the end of the drive. We reached Badayer shops at around noon.

Thanks to Marshals Serkan, Buldozer, thanks to MD and Remesh for the support. Thanks to all the fellow drivers for playing it safe.

See you again soon.


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Re: DXB-Practicing Intermediate

Post by Ozzy »

Thank you everyone for organizing another educational, fun, and safe weekend trip. Sai helped us practice some mid-size and small dunes which were very good for improving technical driving skills. As he mentioned, we had a couple of rescue missions causing some delays, but that's a part of the game. I had three opportunities to use my recently installed winch to help recover fellow convoy members. So hey, at least I am getting my money's worth. :-)

Special thanks to Bulldozer for tips on how to fix pop-outs.

And special thanks to Bibin, who was always around when I was carrying out sweeper duties for the first time. His presence and support made things very easy for me.

I already look forward to our next trip together. Till then, be good and stay safe.

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Re: DXB-Practicing Intermediate

Post by Marcolino333 »

Thanks everyone for the nice friday morning. Very technical driving especially on the small dunes and very interesting time learning how to fix various technical issues.
See you all in the sand next time.

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