Hadz one last drive - Advance+ convoy

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Hadz one last drive - Advance+ convoy

Post by JustAhmedo »

Although the weather was extremely hot, yet we all gathered to an unfortunate farewell trip of our dear Marshal Hadi.
Since many members joined the trip, we divided the convoy into 3 groups and I had the Advance+ convoy.

Ahmed -Lead
Waleed -2nd lead
Abu Ali
Hadi - Sweep

I was lucky and honored to have the mentioned gentlemen in my convoy as they posses the best skills for advance.
So briefing was short since the temp was 48degree and we started playing around the big dunes of gate 12. Obviously engines started to heat up quickly with the first few minutes so we had many cool down breaks and we kept increasing and decreasing the tempo of the trip.
Except climbing Mohamed Ali Dune, we didn't climb any big dunes so we don't stress our engines under this heat. We kept playing on top of the medium dunes with shaving the crests and doing multiple switches.
I wished the weather was cooler as I had a extremely talented and strong drivers. There was good chemistry between the convoy. Throughout the trip, I didn't hear the word 2nd try :D but Hadi had to have his last stuck before leaving and Abu Ali handled it properly. We kept switching and switching from dune to dune non stop and shortly before ending the trip I had my stuck and Waleed recovered me then we joined with the other convoys by 7pm. Thank you gents for the great drive as I really enjoyed the afternoon despite the extreme hot weather.

Dear Hadi,

Words cannot express how unhappy I am by you leaving as your place is irreplaceable but life has it's plans and I wish you nothing but the best for you in your future and your journey. May this step brings you success in your career and hope all your dreams come true.
Its n honor and pleasure knowing you and I'm glad we drove together many times. Take care and see you soon.

You can shake the desert sand from my shoes, but not from my soul

Just Ahmedo

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Re: Hadz one last drive - Advance+ convoy

Post by Waleedaljaberi »

Although the trip timing was in the middle of the afternoon with a 48 degrees of heat, I couldn’t miss such a trip.

As I have been in Marshel Ahmed convey it was a pleasure for me to drive behind a skilled driver, navigating the sweihan desert during this heat was not easy but he did it, he was just pumping our body adrenaline and our cars and just before it reaches to the max he will cool it down while making sure its fun for everybody.

Marshel Hadi,

Its sad that you are leaving but im am sure you will be going forward in your life to a better step that would help you achieve more and perhaps see you one day back in the desert with a nice TACOMA 🤭

Thanks for all drivers who joined, it was a pleasure driving with you all and you showed a good skills.

See you all soon on the DUNES ✌🏽✌🏽

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Re: Hadz one last drive - Advance+ convoy

Post by Hadi77 »

What an unforgettable day, seeing everyone show in the summers heat made me so happy. AD4x4 Family ♥️

Marshal Ahmed, I have no comments about your lead apart from the fact that it was exceptional as always. Was a pleasure getting to drive with you on my last for now. Time flys and life moves on, will see you again soon brother wherever it is.

Rocket Waleed, what a spectacle it is seeing you handle your VTC. I’m grateful for meeting you and driving with you from newbie all the way up! And I can’t wait to hear that you’re our future marshal In Sha Allah. Will see you soon guys, take care and take it easy ♥️
‘If you don’t have the mentality to learn every time you step foot into the desert, it could become a dangerous place’ - Hadz



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