Interm drive at Sweihan with Bishar (Morning)

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Interm drive at Sweihan with Bishar (Morning)

Post by Dirtdiver »

Thanks, Marshal Bishar, for organizing this trip on such a lovely morning.

***** Bisharbn
*** DreamerEtS (2nd Lead)
** Shoni
***Vipinmpd08 (sweeper)

Supported and part lead by Expert Dirtdiver

We all met at Sweihan gate 12 most were on time but had a couple running late.

After the first seven had arrived and everyone deflated, I gave the safety briefing, assigned convoy order and radio frequency. As we finished the last person arrived and quickly deflated. Marshal Bishar gave a few additional safety instructions before headed off in the dunes to warm up while enjoying the cooler morning weather. Marshal Bishar took the convoy on a southeast track for some nice side slops. He observed how everyone was controlling their vehicles. After a nice warmup we headed east towards Nagrah, we enjoyed some nice side slopes while winding out way east. We found one nice big dune to play on and took turns side sloping while getting advice from Marsha Bishar. We decided to continue to Nagrah but one of the vehicles had an overheating issue and would not start. After an extended break it started, and we escorted him back to the gatch road. It was getting late, but the temperature was still nice, so we ask if anyone needed to leave at the scheduled time or if they wanted to play some more. Everyone agreed to play some more so we decided to take the gatch road to get closer to Nagrah. Once back in the sand I took the lead headed towards Nagrah. WE played on some nice side slopes and finally reached the back side of Nagrah for a break under the trees. Bishar, Andrei and I decided to demonstrate side cresting while climbing the back side of Nagrah. We all took a passenger along for the ride. After playing and finishing the break the temperature was starting to warm up quickly. Marshal Bishar led to convoy back to the Sweihan BBQ area where we all inflated and departed for home after a wonderful drive.

We had a few second tries and one flag break, but no one got stuck. Everyone did a nice job of controlling their vehicles.

I really enjoyed the morning with a wonderful group. Thanks, Bishar for scheduling this trip and picking an excellent track. Great job by Andrei and Vipindas on second lead and sweeping.

Thanks all for joining the trip and I hope to see you in the sand again soon. :D


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Re: Interm drive at Sweihan with Bishar (Morning)

Post by dreamerEtS »

Great trip after returning from vacation. Thanks everyone, great ride!

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Re: Interm drive at Sweihan with Bishar (Morning)

Post by shihas »

I really enjoyed the morning trip with wonderful group. Thanks, Marshal Bishar for scheduling this trip and picking an excellent track. Thanks Tim, Andrei and Vipindas for supporting the convoy.

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