High Altitude

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High Altitude

Post by Octopus »

Drivers :
Zak - Fortuner (lead)
Gerhard - JK (2nd lead)
Peter - Patrol
Ameen - FJ
Andrei - FJ (sweep)
Borja - JKU (marshal support)

Myself, Borja and Gerhard met up the night before for a perfect camping. the temperature was very comfortable and the breeze died down in the evening making for a sound sleep.

In the morning at 7am we met up for a briefing just off the gatch road and had a quick discussion about the area and with the sand being quite hard put some emphasis on tyre pressures and avoiding drifting.

We warmed up and made our way along the sourthern lip of the star dunes line. Everyone did very well in this very technical area. Big dunes but not long run ups to the slopes so torque and control was required for alot of the climbs. We had a few stucks and a pop out half way through which was quickly fixed.

Unfortunately we did not make it to the star dunes proper however before exiting played on some of the big big dunes of the area.

Everyone did really well controlling their cars and learning to drive in the difficult terrain.

Thanks all for joining and thanks to Borja for very sound advice at the back making sure everyone drove safe and controlled.

Till next time.


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Joined: Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:29 pm
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Re: High Altitude

Post by ameenkvs »

Thanks Zak for a wonderful drive, really enjoyed

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